Data retrieval A method for retrieving data from a datalogger deployed at a monitoring site. Equipment Instrument retrieval A method for retrieving or recovering an instrument that has been deployed at a smpling feature. Equipment Derivation A method for creating results by deriving them from other results. Observation Equipment maintenance A method for performing periodic upkeep or servicing of field or laboratory equipment. Maintenance may be performed in the field, in a laboratory, or at a factory maintenance center. Equipment Cruise A method for performing a cruise action. FieldActivity Equipment deployment A method for deploying a piece of equipment that will not make observations at a sampling feature. Observation Instrument Continuing Calibration Verification A method for verifying the instrument or meter calibration by measuring a calibration standard of known value as if it were a sample and comparing the measured result to the calibration acceptance criteria listed in the Standard Operating Procedure. Method Florida Department of Environmental Protection. DEP-SOP-001/01 FT 1000. General Field Testing and Measurement. See: Instrument deployment A method for deploying an instrument to make observations at a sampling feature. Observation Expedition A method for performing an expedition action. FieldActivity Equipment programming A method for creating or modifying the data collection program running on a datalogger or other equipment deployed at a monitoring site. Specimen preservation A method for preserving a specimen either in the field or in a laboratory prior to ex situ analysis. SamplingFeature Field activity A method for performing an activity in the field at or on a sampling feature. FieldActivity Estimation A method for creating results by estimation or professional judgement. Observation Equipment retrieval A method for retrieving equipment from a sampling feature at which or on which it was deployed. Equipment Generic non-observation A method for completing a non-specific action that does not produce a result. Other Simulation A method for creating results by running a simulation model. Observation Observation A method for creating observation results. This term should be used when a Result is generated but the more specific terms of Instrument deployment or Specimen analysis are not applicable. Observation Submersible launch A method for launching a submersible from a vessel or ship. FieldActivity Instrument calibration A method for calibrating an instrument either in the field or in the laboratory. Equipment Unknown The method type is unknown. Other Site visit A method for performing a site visit action. FieldActivity Specimen analysis A method for ex situ analysis of a specimen using an instrument, typically in a laboratory, for the purpose of measuring properties of a specimen. Observation Specimen collection A method for collecting a specimen for ex situ analysis. SamplingFeature Specimen fractionation A method for separating a specimen into multiple different fractions or size classes. SamplingFeature ODM2 MethodType Controlled Vocabulary ODM2 Working Group A vocabulary for describing types of Methods associated with creating observations. MethodTypes correspond with ActionTypes in ODM2. An Action must be performed using an appropriate MethodType - e.g., a specimen collection Action should be associated with a specimen collection method. Specimen preparation A method for processing a specimen collected in the field to produce a sample suitable for analysis using a particular analytical procedure. SamplingFeature